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The Wabby Sabby Way

Have you ever felt isolated and alone. In need of a cuddle and a reassuring word?


All of us at some time need that feel of comfort and reassurance but we aren’t always placed to receive it.


Here at Wabby Sabby we believe that everyone needs to feel comforted. We all have those days when we feel like we need the cocooning warmth of a hug. Whilst we can’t provide the person, or the hug, we can provide the next best thing.


Whether you are poorly, facing treatment, recovering from a big night out or feeling worn down with life. You can be ready to face the world again knowing that we have got you covered.


We understand that hard times can be isolating, and we can sometimes lose who we are, but we can try to help you find yourself again. We don’t just specialise in hoodies; we care about what people are going through. So much so that for every statement hoodie we sell we will donate a percentage of our profits to the specified charity listed.


That way, by becoming part of our Wabby Sabby family, you can be seen in your statement hoody and make a difference too! Whether you want to wear your story so other people understand your journey, or you want to celebrate your strength in overcoming the odds. We’re along too for the ride or to celebrate with you.


Wanting to gift a hoodie to a friend or someone in need of support? We’ve got you covered with that too! Every item ordered is packaged with extra special care and finishing touches. After all it’s not just about receiving a hoodie, it’s about you sending a gift that shows the person you care, that you are thinking of them and enveloping them with a hug, even if you can’t be there.


No one should feel silenced or alone in their struggle that’s why we created a platform to share your story without even having to speak. Be empowered and gain understanding from others from wearing your story on your super snuggly statement hoody.



Our Story


I am no stranger to the challenges faced by others, having witnessed first-hand my wife’s battle with an incurable autoimmune disease which paralysed her, then my mother in laws subsequent battle with pancreatic cancer. I have watched helplessly from the side-lines as they fought through gruelling treatment regimes and rehabilitation. Throughout it all I had to learn to manage my own mental health in order to support them too.


From this lived experience I realised that at the times we feel helpless, either in our own situation, or we feel powerless to help others, there are ultimately two very simple things we can do. That is to offer support, in the way of comfort and words. I believe that sometimes this can also be in a very literal sense!


In terms of providing comfort, this can come from the clothes that we all wear. I believe physical comfort is the number one priority for us all. A comfortable hoodie became the clothing item of choice for my family and, because of this finding the right hoodie became a necessity…finding the perfect all-encompassing go to hoodie became an obsession!


Harnessing the power of words and the profound effect they can have on others in times of need. I soon realised that a simple word could inspire, comfort, bring happiness or create understanding in others. By taking that a step further and wearing those words on a comforting hoodie, then a message could be sent without even having to speak.


The idea of Wabby Sabby was born from this and the desire to comfort others also facing difficult times. Based on my wife Tracy`s designs and her experiences, a collection of hoodies was designed, based upon what she believed people would like to wear or receive as a gift.


The Wabby Sabby name was inspired by Tracy and her unwavering belief that strength and beauty can evolve even from the most broken of places. That nobody is perfect and that our scars do actually define us…they make us unique and that is something to be embraced.


Most importantly we wanted to provide a platform for awareness. Everyone has experienced hardship and suffering in some form or another, but we don’t always feel comfortable talking about it. By wearing your statement hoodie, you have a platform for your voice to be heard and your story to be told in a unique and powerful way.


 Glynn x




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